ALAFAVE closed its 2022 activities with a virtual cocktail among members and their commitment to continue working to strengthen the industry in the coming year. Gustavo Delgado, president of the Association, addressed some moving words in which he expressed his satisfaction on this past virtual meeting by saying “this brings us closer together as people and makes us strengthen ties of friendship”.
It was the perfect occasion for the attendees to get to know each other a little better by sharing their businesses experiences throughout the year. Isa Montes, representative of JAM Global Solutions, stated that she was very happy with this meeting. “I’m the fourth generation of a candle manufacturing family business, I have been part of ALAFAVE since its foundation. I have many friends here, and I am now a supplier to the industry, and I will continue to participate actively.” One of our newer members, Fajim Barjum, a Colombian candle manufacturer, expressed his satisfaction with the events in which he has participated. “I had the opportunity to go to the New Orleans congress and this helped me a lot in the company. In 2023, I will surely be participating in the Cartagena event, and I hope to meet fellow candle manufacturers from other countries.”
In addition to the introduction of new members and experiences shared, a video on the history of candles was also presented at the meeting, which was a reminder of the importance of our industry in people’s daily lives.
To finalize the meeting, Gustavo Delgado wished a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all the attendees: “God bless your companies, workers and family members; I hope you share these days filled with harmony with your loved ones. I am confident that next year will bring positive things for everyone,” he concluded.