The Art of Candle Making as Told by its Protagonists

Stories, Experiences, and Anecdotes

International Workers’ Day, an emblematic date commemorated on May 1st in many countries around the world, is an opportunity to reflect on the responsibility we, as employers, have in sustaining and supporting the lives of the many people who work in our organizations.

On this day, we also remember their valuable contribution to productivity and the growth of companies. It is a moment to recognize the effort and dedication of those who are part of our organizations and to reaffirm our commitment to the well-being and development of the workforce.

In this edition, we bring you six testimonies from those human talents who day by day make it possible for our products to reach the hands of customers and who have found in our companies an opportunity for themselves and their families.

Julia López López
Velas y Veladoras San Juan, Mexico
24 years in the company

“My bosses saw my determination and decided to train me”

When I arrived at Veladora San Juan, I had stopped studying because my parents did not have enough resources for my sister and me to continue our education, and I decided to give her the opportunity to continue her education while I supported the household expenses.

I started in production, operating a machine that inserts the wick, and over time, my bosses observed my performance, my desire to improve, and decided to train me, and that’s how I ended up in the administration department.

Thanks to God and Veladora San Juan, I live now more at ease. Before, we used to pay rent, lived with the bare minimum, I had many dreams, but I didn’t know if I would be able to fulfill them. But now I have a better quality of life and stability. My family, my parents and my son, are much better off. I feel happy to have achieved my goals and for the opportunity the company gave me to prove to myself how far I could go.

José Rigoberto Andrade
Plant Supervisor
Veladoras La Esperanza, México
24 years in the company

“The company helped me improve my self-confidence”

Several years ago, the company nominated me for a new position with more responsibilities, and due to fear or insecurity, I wasn’t convinced that I could take it on. I considered resigning and going elsewhere; I lacked confidence in myself. However, the people in the company extended their hand to me, trained me, and managed to make me feel confident enough to face this new challenge.

Over time, I’ve come to understand that discipline and gratitude are important. My desire for personal growth and my curiosity to understand the purpose of everything, were the reasons I pushed forward; I also appreciate the executives who supported my growth.

And now, after all these years of learning, one of the things I enjoy most is teaching the new generations; it motivates me a lot, and I feel it’s a way to give back to the company for all it has done for me.

Mirla Salon
Cera Artística, Venezuela
20 years in the company

“Today I lead the production of decorative candles”

I started at the company covering the position of someone who was on sick leave. Every day, I prayed for the company to receive a lot of orders and for them to keep me permanently, as I needed economic stability. However, when the person returned, I left the company.

After about a month, I found out that a neighboring company was in need of personnel, and on my way there, I stopped by Cera Artística to say hello. Coincidentally, one of the executives saw me and said, “Mirla, we’ve just received a very large order of candles, and we need to deliver it today. Could you help us with this?” It’s been 20 years since that day, a day I can say completely changed my life.

I thank God because I have faced very difficult personal situations, and the company has always supported me, they have trusted me, they have trained me, to the point where today I lead the production of the decorative candle line, and part of my day is spent conducting tests in the laboratory.

Manuel Báez
Machine Operator
Velas Tavares Industrial, Dominican Republic
16 years in the company

“If the light goes out in any home, I bring it in through my votive candles”

I love my job because it satisfies me to know that I can be useful to anyone who needs a votive candle for their wedding, an event, or when the electrical power fails. I bring light to them with my votive candles, and am striving to do it well.

Additionally, I am very grateful to the company. They helped me find my way, to have a better life. With my wages, I earn enough to improve the life I was leading and that of my family, and to become a good man.

I have made mistakes in life, and one of them was leaving for a while. However, after facing a lot of struggles outside, this company welcomed me back at a time when I was on the wrong path, with bad habits, and helped me regain faith in myself and leave behind that bad history. I fall short of words to express my gratitude for everything this company has done for me, and I hope to continue contributing my work for a long time. It is an honor to be here.

Cristian Fernández
Production Supervisor
Velas Litoral, Argentina
4 years in the company

“This is not just a job, it’s my calling”

First and foremost, I feel very grateful for the position I’ve been given within the company and especially for the trust placed in me. For me, this is not just a job but a calling, which has helped me grow in various aspects of my life, especially professionally, making a positive impact.

When I first entered this industry, I never imagined the multitude of possibilities it offered, so I am extremely thankful for the opportunities and for the people who believed in me and my abilities. They guided me, supported me, and helped me improve within the company.

Personally, I greatly enjoy the freedom to innovate and create within the industry. Currently, I work the morning shift as a supervisor, covering all the tasks it entails. In the future, I hope to continue growing alongside the company and work to further perfect our products.

Esteban Caiza
Production Coordinator
Almon del Ecuador, Ecuador
1 year in the company

“My grandfather and father also worked here”

I am the third generation of my family to work in this company. My grandfather and father always told me stories about how, in the beginning, the owners of the company were the ones who made the candles, in their own home, without machinery.

I remember, I once came to help my father with the finished product warehouse construction, and I really liked what they were doing. So, I have always been involved with it, and I have fond memories of my father and grandfather at their work.

Now, I am here, responsible for organizing production according to priorities to ensure timely delivery, assigning tasks to each operator, and ensuring product quality. It’s a big responsibility, but the atmosphere is very friendly, and I feel very comfortable. I hope the company continues to grow and be recognized, as it’s also a commitment I have to uphold for the reputation of my family that has been here.

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