Honor to whom Honor is Due

Award recognitions during the 5th World Candle Congress

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

-Edith Wharton

North American Writer and Designer

Theodore Roosevelt, the politician that occupied the office of the Presidency of the United States during the first decade of the 1900’s, once said, “The greatest gift life has to offer is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing.”

The committee in charge of making the nomination for this Hall of Fame award was integrated by Peggy Hanley, from AI Root Candles; Eileen Hedrick, from Symrise; Bob Moss, from SEA; Lou Steigerwald, from Cathedral Candles; Jim Becker, from Candle Solutions, and Zina Juroch, from Pier 1 Imports.

NCA Hall of Fame Award 042016_lowIn this 2016 edition, the prestigious recognition was awarded to William Muench, in acknowledgment of his commitment and contribution to the candle industry for over 3 decades.

This fifth generation candle maker, has played an outstanding roll in leading manufacturing teams in the production & distribution of a wide variety of candles and related products exported to over 39 countries. Reason why the Bavarian Wax-Chandler Guild (Bayerische Wachszieher-Innung) awarded him the honorary recognition (Meisterbrief) as Master Candle Maker in Augsburg, Germany a few years ago.

His well-known capabilities, added to the energy and enthusiasm for what he loves doing, made him an active participant in the NCA Board of Directors for almost 25 years, to serve as Chairman of the Technical Committee and active member of other committees within the association. He also was an original member of the F-15 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) subcommittee on candle products that established the first voluntary standards for the candle society, furthermore, he is the co-founder of our Latin American Candle Manufacturers Association (ALAFAVE), currently the largest association of candle manufacturers of the world, where he served as its President, Vice-President, and Technical Director over several terms.

His relevant participation in NCA as well as ALAFAVE built a bridge among both organizations that led to the creation and sponsorship of the World Candle Congress, which is currently heading towards new and more ambitious horizons.

This year, William Muench, from Wicks Unlimited, took the leadership of the Luminaria Project, designed to raise funds for a social cause to benefit Casa Cuna in Puerto Rico, site of our most recent World Candle Congress.

The fifth World Candle Congress was the occasion to also recognize the effort and unconditional contribution of Daniela Alvarez, from Orchidia Fragrances, and ALAFAVE’s distinguished Coordinator of the Communications and Public Relations Committee. The award was especially granted in gratitude to the effort and commitment provided throughout the organization of the 5th World Candle Congress as a representative of our Association before the NCA committees. Daniela joined all the conference calls and represented an invaluable channel of communication with ALAFAVE.

To recognize the job of those who work for our industry is an act that more than making us proud, it gives us a promise of better and greater achievements.

Congratulations William and Daniela!
